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THE SCENT OF A WOMAN: The Virtues & Viles of the Woman

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This book sets the record straight for what is missing in our conversations. We must put on every idea God has for us and reject every godless thought about who we are as women. We can no longer let the world tell us what acceptable doctrine is when it comes to being a woman. So many believers are irritated with what the bible says about women. They actually despise the very idea of quoting scripture when it comes to how we should act and how we should even behave in society. Many people will read this and raise an eyebrow at what I am about to say. Even the very scriptures and text that talk about submission, unity, sobriety, modesty all the ones that end in “ty”. We claim that they are based upon Patriarchy. We blame men. I understand that there are many points to be upset about and confused when it comes to biblical text. I understand that the bible was written by many men who had a trained idea of what woman should be like. But one thing that we must be sure of is that we must fight those negative ideologies with every part of our being. While being a believer, a firm believer standing on the word of God, we must understand that all Scripture was given by the inspiration of Holy Spirit. Looking at our Bibles we are given clear instructions to be Virtuous!




God does want more from us women. He already died on the cross. He fulfilled the letter of the law so we could advance the kingdom. It is time to remove the hatred we secretly have in our heart towards ourselves. Woman can evolve. We have already been redeemed. It can be extremely hard to achieve his desires and plans when there is so much that keeps you reflecting on what is more acceptable today.

To make things a little more relatable I will share some of my story to give you examples. It can be extremely hard to understand why things are happening even in your life and I can assure you that we all have those moments. We all have tests and trials. Going through things helps us to understand our purpose. We pick up tools and wisdom along our journey.

I want to make sure that you get a full understanding of why it is time to...Awaken

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